Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
DU-COMM complies with the Freedom of Information Act. Much of the information we handle is the “record” of one of our member agencies. Please see the detailed Freedom of Information Act sheet and FOIA Request form below.
Freedom of Information Act
FOIA Requests:
Requests may be submitted in writing or orally via US mail, email, phone, in person, or by any other means.
Requests may be submitted via US mail:
Attention: FOIA Officer
420 N. County Farm Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
Freedom of Information Act – Request Form:
Kim Regalado, Executive Secretary
Records which may be available:
Written: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Phone, email
Audio: 9-1-1 calls, Radio, Other
FOIA Fee(s):
DU-COMM may charge a fee of fifteen (15) cents after fifty (50) black and white copies. For color copies, DU-COMM may charge a fee of (8) cents per page. DU-COMM may charge a fee for other requested media forms, as follows: $.28 per CD-R – $.57 per DVD-R. DU-COMM may charge requester the cost associated with blank media, not listed here.
Functional subdivision:
DU-COMM is comprised of three (3) functional departments:
Operations, Support Services, and Administration, under the direct control of the Executive Director.

DU-COMM Board of Directors:
Bartlett President Wallace
Bloomingdale FPD President Deutschle
Burr Ridge Mayor Grasso
Carol Stream Mayor Saverino, Sr.
Clarendon Hills Manager Creer
Darien Mayor Marchese
Downers Grove Mayor Barnett
Elmhurst Mayor Levin
Glen Ellyn President Senak
Glenside FPD President Kosiara
Hanover Park President Craig
Hinsdale Manager Gargano
Lisle Mayor Pecak
Lisle-Woodridge FPD President Frank
Lombard Manager Niehaus
Oak Brook President Herman
Oakbrook Terrace Mayor Esposito
Roselle Mayor Pileski
Villa Park President Cuzzone
Warrenville Mayor Brummel
West Chicago Administrator Guttman
Wheaton Manager Dzugan
Willowbrook Mayor Trilla
Winfield Manager Barrett
Woodridge Administrator Stonitsch
York Center FPD Chief Sanborn
DU-COMM Executive Committee:
Warrenville Mayor David Brummel
Hanover Park President Rodney Craig
Downers Grove Manager David Fieldman
Bloomingdale FPD President Timothy Deutschle
Lisle-Woodridge President Brent Frank
West Chicago Administrator Michael Guttman
Lombard Manager Scott Niehaus
Glen Ellyn Police Chief Phil Norton
York Center FPD Chief Rick Sanborn
Roselle Fire Chief Mark Bozik
Winfield Police Chief David Schar
DU-COMM Member Agencies:
Bartlett FPD
Bartlett PD
Bloomingdale FPD
Burr Ridge PD
Carol Stream FPD
Carol Stream PD
Clarendon Hills FD
Clarendon Hills PD
Darien PD
Darien-Woodridge FPD
Downers Grove FD
Downers Grove PD
DuPage County Sheriff’s Office
Elmhurst FD
Elmhurst PD
Glen Ellyn FD
Glen Ellyn PD
Glenside FPD
Hanover Park FD
Hanover Park PD
Hinsdale FD
Hinsdale PD
Lisle PD
Lisle–Woodridge FPD
Lombard FD
Lombard PD
Oak Brook FD
Oak Brook PD
Oakbrook Terrace FPD
Oakbrook Terrace PD
Roselle FD
Roselle PD
Villa Park FD
Villa Park PD
Warrenville FPD
Warrenville PD
West Chicago FPD
West Chicago PD
Wheaton FD
Wheaton PD
Willowbrook PD
Winfield FPD
Winfield PD
Woodridge PD
York Center FPD